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Experts in talent integration
Exellys is nominated for Trends Gazellen 2021 - Blogpost cover
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Exellys is nominated for Trends Gazellen 2021

Written by Leslie Hemmerechts on 9 February 2019 for Companies

We’re very excited to share that Exellys has been nominated for Trends Gazellen 2021 in the category large companies.

For 20 years now, Trends have been selecting from 50 to 250 Trends Gazelles within each province. The Trends Gazelles are not selected on the basis of a presentation or pitch but on actual growth figures. Which is why we’re especially proud of this nomination.

The winner in the province of Antwerp will be announced on the 17th of March.

About Exellys

Exellys is a Tech Talent Incubator. We bring tech talent into the daily operations of the organization of our customers and grow them for the innovations of tomorrow.

From the 1.500 tech talents we speak to annually, we select the top 7%. We intensively train and coach them on the right skills and competences. Our (scientifically based) training programs (Start Smart, Grow Smart & Lead Smart) accelerate the growth of our talents, and therefore also the growth of our customers.

We “unburden” our customers when looking for and retaining tech talent. We are committed to getting the best out of talent, while our customers can continue to focus on their core business.

We do this for clients who want to strengthen their team permanently, as well as those who are looking for a flexible, project-driven solution.

Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help.