How to prepare for a job interview through Skype
on 16 March 2020 for GraduatesYou’ve made a great impression at a job fair. Or perhaps you wrote an exceptional letter of application? Whatever the reason, you received an invitation for a job interview. But then the Corona virus happens, nobody’s shaking hands anymore and the job interview you have been looking forward to becomes a Skype (or Zoom, Teams, etc.) call.
But how do you prepare yourself for an online job interview? Here are some pro tips.
Don’t give Murphy a chance
A job interview is tense enough as it is so don’t tempt fate and avoid technical hiccups. Check (and double check) your network coverage and make sure your laptop is plugged in or at least fully charged. Find yourself a quiet room and don’t forget to put a note or post-it on the door that says “do not disturb”. You’re not in that phase in which you’d want to introduce your potential employer to your mom, roommate or spouse (, yet).
Dress to impress (at least the top half)
Your student days are over. You’re a professional now so it’s time to dress accordingly. The keywords are; professional, stylish and authentic. So don’t panic, there’s no need to buy a 3-piece suit if you’re more of a hoodie kind of person but you get the point. You don’t have anything suitable to wear? Then it’s wise to make that investment now because you’ll need to wear those clothes to work anyway. The benefit of a video call? You only have to nail the top half!
Articulate clearly
The way you express yourself is obviously of key importance. Take care not to speak too fast, especially in a video call. If you feel a bit insecure, it may be a good idea to practice your Skype interview with a friend or family member.
Brush up your language skills in advance
This is not a specific tip for a Skype call, but definitely an important one for a (first) interview. Especially in Belgium, prospective employers like to inquire about your language skills. Often, they will briefly put those skills to the test: ‘Ah, so you speak French? On peut continuer en français alors?’. If you speak a foreign language but you don’t get to practise every day, it’s best to warm up with someone else before the interview. You’re French isn’t all that good? Then at least be able to say so in French and point out you are willing to learn.
Mind the light
You don’t have to be a movie director or professional photographer to know that your image is going to be the best if you keep your main light source (like the window) in front of you instead of behind you. Pro tip: If you don’t have a window nearby it might be worthwhile to use your extra monitor as a light source by just turning its background completely white.
Ready when you are
That’s it, you’re now ready to ace your online job interview. So why don’t you give it a try? Click here to book a 15-minute video call with an Exellys tech talent scout. Don’t worry, we won’t start grilling you right away, but it might be a good idea to get to know us better now that your local job event got cancelled. And who knows, maybe we even ask you to schedule an actual first interview. So see you soon?
Tags: covid-19 , job interview , video call