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Roadmap for a Digital Future in Belgium

Written by Leslie Hemmerechts on 30 September 2020 for Companies

Belgian companies need help to focus on digitalization. So it’s time to come up with a pragmatic action plan, packed with concrete initiatives to facilitate digital transformation. The kick-off of this initiative was given on the 15th of September, when some of Belgium’s most important digital leaders (full list at the end of the article) got together for an inspiring roundtable discussion.

It’s an understatement to say the corona crisis had an enormous impact on our daily lives. Not only in terms of public health, but also in the way we communicate, socialize and do business. E-commerce, video conferencing, digital parties and events, etc. the lockdown has led to an accelerated adoption of digitalization by the general public.

Roadmap for a Digital Future in Belgium

We see it as an opportunity to make the definite choice for going digital.

Action plan to accelerate the digital transformation

We want to seize this moment to create a refreshing view and a pragmatic action plan to accelerate digital transformation in Belgian companies. Our goal is to create a collection of recipes that enable small and large companies to digitalize their processes and reap the benefits.

We believe in our own strength and that of Belgian entrepreneurs to enable a digital transformation and convert strong ambitions into real solutions.

On the 15th of September, we invited some of the brightest digital leaders in Belgium for an inspiring roundtable discussion about the strategic priorities of this initiative.

Roadmap for a Digital Future in Belgium

What’s the plan?

We will work on three strategic pillars which are crucial to accelerate the digital transformation in Belgium.

#1 Stimulate the digital mindset

Digital transformation is a process that starts on top. When the board of directors is not convinced about the added value of digitalization, any attempt to initialize a digital transformation is doomed to fail. You have to infect those leaders with the digital virus. They have to understand the benefits that digitalization will bring for the company.

A digital mindset and company culture are key to a successful digital transformation.

#2 Foster digital talent

Technology is an important element in digitalization, but the real difference is made by having the right people. The presence and engagement of digital talent in a company is a catalyst for a successful digital transformation.

We can look at the government to get more young people to choose a STEM education. However, we can also take matters into our own hands by investing in retraining, upskilling and/or hiring the right expertise into the company.

#3 Encourage collaboration

For every IT-solution, you can find a Belgian supplier. It is our goal to encourage collaboration between Belgian companies. We want to put a spotlight on Belgian IT-companies. Not only to help them generate new business, but also to stimulate mutual learning and partnerships.

It’s time to take action. Together.

We’re working on great plans for each of these three pillars. We are excited and convinced that we can make a difference and help companies in realizing their digital transformation.

But digitalization is just an empty box if there is no passion to change. That’s why we call on you: companies, students, creatives and digital geniuses. In order to make this initiative a success, we rely on your feedback and interest.

We invite everyone to participate, because it concerns us all. So sign up now to follow and join the conversation.

The digital revolution starts today!

Panel members

  • Bjorn Van Reet – CIO, Kinepolis
  • Erwin Verstraelen – CDO & CIO, Port of Antwerp
  • Geert Van Mol – CDO, Belfius
  • Paul Danneels – CTO, Fednot
  • Sabine Everaet – CIO EMEA, Coca-Cola
  • Steven De Haes – Dean, Antwerp Management School
  • Stefan Dierckx – CEO, Projective & Exellys
  • Jurgen Ingels – CEO, SmartFin Capital
  • Ruben Schaubroeck – Senior Partner, McKinsey
  • Peter De Keyzer – CEO, Growth Inc.

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