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Experts in talent integration
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A dynamic private banking environment

Written by Leslie Hemmerechts on 25 September 2018 for Client testimonials
“Thanks to Exellys, young graduates benefit from a smooth transition from academic to professional life in an enriching and well-structured way; the surrounding frame ensures a happy landing in our organisation.”

How did you get to know Exellys?

We were introduced to Exellys via our HR-department, as we were initially looking for young IT profiles to help guarantee continuity in our development department.

Which specific challenges did your organisation face concerning IT Talent?

Contrary to more renowned players, we do not have direct outreach to the campus communities to attract the talent needed. Generally, we have less visibility as a brand towards this audience.

Also our core business is private banking, which is not necessarily linked with a flashy image, even though we are a very dynamic organisation and energetic team.

Delen Private Bank

What value did you get from Exellys in helping your organisation to solve this challenge?

The way Exellys pre-qualifies and matches candidates with our business is fairly unique. Exellys generally delivers on this promise as we see high-quality profiles.

In contrast to more traditional recruitment channels, Exellys can introduce profiles that combine strong business (economic) insight with specific technical IT competencies that fit particularly well with our development needs.

However, we do not consider Exellys IT talents as external consultants. From day one, we have worked with them as if their young graduates are part of our team, both supported by the hiring manager and our HR-team and in consent with their Talent Development Managers.

The personal and value driven approach towards young graduates adds a strong social and human dimension to the way Exellys works with IT talent and their customers.

How would you quantify the potential (business) impact of partnering with Exellys?

We aim at a good mix of both experienced team members and young potentials; Exellys helped us to rebalance this mix. This is probably not a ‘hard’ quantification, but it is nevertheless very important to us. Via Exellys we have one young graduate on our back-end development and one on mobile development. Also, we have enrolled two of our young graduates to the Start Smart programme, to offer simultaneous learning and development opportunities with the team members initially joining via Exellys.