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Exellys has been working together with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) since 2018. Exellysts are active in various teams within HPE, from Networking to Hybrid Cloud. HPE’s open culture really appeals to our consultants and matches well with the values of Exellys. We had a chat with HPE’s Account Services Lead Frederic De Schepper about why Exellys and HPE make such great partners.
Belfius Insurance and Exellys enjoy a pleasant and mutually beneficial partnership, with loads of Exellysts joining Belfius and integrating on their payroll after their two-year mission is completed. We had a talk with CIO Gert Vanhaecht and asked him what his experience working with Exellys and its consultants is like.
“We’re 9 months along and our first impression has been fully confirmed. The consultants at Glickman are a perfect fit.”
“Thanks to Exellys, young graduates benefit from a smooth transition from academic to professional life in an enriching and well-structured way; the surrounding frame ensures a happy landing in our organisation.”
“A good understanding of our organisations’ needs and the ability to match talent profiles, characterized by an open and flexible partnership.”
“At the very moment, meeting Exellys was a real gift as they helped us to find the rare tech talent we were looking for.”
“Attracting tech talent via Exellys guarantees that both candidates and our company can really get to know each other.”