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The hackathon aftermath

Written by Steven Thill on 17 April 2018 for Graduates

Last week we organised a kick ass hackathon together with Board of Innovation and Delen Private Bank. The challenge? Crack the code of private banking. Not an easy thing to do. Almost 30 young hackers and hustlers came to Antwerp to take a shot at glory and more importantly to win a 4 day trip to Lisbon’s Web Summit, the largest tech event in Europe.

Delen Hack Days

It’s called a challenge for a reason

The challenges weren’t simple and the judges were strict. After two days of inspiring break-out sessions, crazy nerf gun wars and endless hours of coding and prototyping one team came out on top.

Amongst blockchain solutions, chatbot integrations and PSD2 implementations they managed to keep their head cool and create a solution that was not only technically feasible but also had a viable business model and solved an actual problem. Something that the jury gladly took into account.

So congratulations Mikaël, Jeroen and Andreas or Mika, Jerre and Dré. We’re looking forward to running into you guys in Lisbon!

Delen Hack Days

Go for gold. Be excellent.

We’d like to thank all participants for their hard work and incredible solutions. These are the teams that made it to the top three.

  1. Mika, Jerre, Dré
  2. Tilis
  3. Lab9K (+ audience award)


Round 2

We’re already busy planning another hackathon later this year. Are you a techie that’s got what it takes and are you ready to go above and beyond what’s required? Send me an e-mail at and we’ll save you a seat!

Delen Hack Days

See you in November…

By the way

If you’d like to see some more impressions of this two day event, head over to our Facebook page!

Written by Steven Thill Brand & Communication Manager