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Since we’re always in the mood for a challenge, we registered our office bar as one of the more than 700 official hashcode hubs.
Every week we publish another blogpost. But what of instead of telling, we showed you what we’re all about? We browsed through our YouTube channel and selected 7 video’s that give you a quick impression of the life of an Exellyst.
1 challenge, 40 motivated Exellysts, 1.576 post-its (give or take) and potentially a beer or two. The perfect recipe for the first edition of HackSmart, Exellys’ very own two-day innovation hackathon.
Hash Code is a team programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals across the globe. Some motivated Exellysts took on the challenge and participated in the qualification round on the 28th of February. Six of our consultants formed two teams and took on a Google engineering problem.
As you might have seen on our social media, last week 10 Exellys consultants participated in the ChainPORT Hackathon. Tom Bruyninx, Java API developer at ING and one of the participants, took the time to write down his experiences.
We organised a kick ass hackathon. The challenge? Crack the code of private banking. Not an easy thing to do. Almost 30 young hackers and hustlers came to Antwerp to take a shot at glory and more importantly to win a 4 day trip to Lisbon’s Web Summit, the largest tech event in Europe.
Matchmaking is serious business, especially when it comes to the graduate-employer relationship. Why? Well, you’re a first-timer, a newbie, a greenhorn… As with your very first serious relationship, the experience you gain will set the tone for the rest of your career.