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If you’re starting to think about which books to take to the beach this year, we suggest 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by renowned historian Yuval Noah Harari. In this blogpost, we’ll discuss four of its most crucial lessons and show you exactly why it deserves a spot on your summer reading list!
Every week we publish another blogpost. But what of instead of telling, we showed you what we’re all about? We browsed through our YouTube channel and selected 7 video’s that give you a quick impression of the life of an Exellyst.
Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era of exponential change, rapid disruption and regulatory challenges on a scale never seen before. But Raf Seymus, Founder & CEO of Exellys, believes that the future for businesses is extremely bright: “While many jobs will be automated out of existence, many more new jobs will be created,” he predicts.
Acronyms such as IoT, AI, and ML can make it easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges presented by Industry 4.0 (i4.0). But according to Veerle Lozie, VP of Operations and IT at Melexis, there’s no need to worry. “The opportunities will be huge for everyone”.
For me Industry 4.0 is about hacking. We can alter genes and create super humans, we can produce new molecules in order to make new materials and we can even squeeze time. It’s no longer science-fiction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here and, according to Jurgen Ingels, Serial Entrepreneur & Investor, this is how we should tackle it.
The technologies driving Industry 4.0 have already started to change the way we live, work and interact with each other. Robotics, infotech, biotech, and nanotech are fundamentally reshaping the way that we live. According to Philippe De Backer, Minister of Digital Agenda, the fact that Industry 4.0 will be driven by technology means that up to two-thirds of people will have to be retrained and reshaped in the next ten to fifteen years.
From autonomous vehicles to digital assistants and self-healing materials, the lines between the biological, physical and digital spheres are being blurred before our eyes. Change is happening at an exponential speed and the emergence of cyber-physical systems shows us that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway. Yet according to Erwin Verstraelen, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer at the Port of Antwerp, many people are unprepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
In five years, over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, genetic editing and more are no longer science fiction but near future. Companies need to embrace this technological and digital (r)evolution and talent needs to be prepared today in order to tackle the innovations of tomorrow.