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Have you heard of Imposter Syndrome? Even if you’re not familiar with the term, chances are you’re familiar with the symptoms. Recent research shows that 65% of professionals suffer from Imposter Syndrome. Symptoms include doubting your abilities, feeling like a fraud and perceiving yourself as underqualified for your responsibilities.
Collective study has grown in popularity over the last decade. Students gather in a particular place, such as a library, to sit together in silence and study – sometimes with hundreds of people in the same room. What are the advantages of studying together? Why does it work so well? And where can you find a good study space? That’s what we’re going to explore in this blog post.
One of the major benefits of becoming an Exellyst, is the extensive coaching and mentoring you get from your Talent Development Manager (TDM). If there’s anything on your mind, your coach will give you advice. They won’t hold your hand, but they will guide and encourage you. This is how Sophie Lievens managed to turn her concerns into opportunities, and shape her work into a job she loves.
When it comes to the talent shortage, we’re not out of the woods yet. In the fast-evolving landscape of the business world, the traditional approach to recruitment should give way to a more flexible and forward-thinking mindset. Stop looking for that “five-legged sheep”, that one perfect candidate that checks all the boxes. Instead, focus on perspective over perfection and see how this approach can lead to a more engaged, committed and motivated workforce.
1/3 of new starters changes employers in the first year… If you’re an employer, and these stats don’t worry you, you’re obviously doing something right. Congrats! But for the rest of us mere mortals, the rewards of improving workforce retention should be obvious. If your turnover is less than ideal and you’re interested in doing something about it, keep reading.
For this episode, we have a guest who’s very determined and won’t be pushed in a direction that she feels isn’t right. She’s not afraid to go back to the drawing board and start again, even if she’s already put a lot of time and effort into something. Laura Van Loon is a 25-year-old graduate who traded medicine for industrial engineering, and development for project management & support engineering. Her secret? A supportive environment and a coach who helps her navigate it all.
Nicola Krynin joined Exellys a while ago. He was offered to integrate into ProjectiveGroup. “Even though I’m usually a doubter, this decision was a no-brainer,” says Nicola. In this interview Nicola tells you all about his background and trajectory at Exellys. Want to know why Exellys is a great place for doubters, and why he’s so grateful to his coach? Then read on!
With the imbalance between supply and demand of talent, the generational shift and worldwide societal changes, it has never been more difficult to keep employees engaged and motivated. Though we want to stress the importance of establishing a personal relationship with your staff and really getting to know them, there’s also a case to be made for using data analytics to improve talent retention. In this blog, we’ll zoom in on how to use data to keep your talent on board.
When it comes to technical jobs today, the demand far outweighs the supply. Graduates and talent with technical skills have their jobs for the taking. So how can you get their attention in a sea of similar job descriptions? How can you make your organisation stand out? And how can you inspire talented people to apply for the position you’re offering? Here are 10 tips on writing an effective and captivating job description that will attract top candidates!
At the latest Meeting of the Minds, our Business Tribe gave a presentation about ‘Agile transformation in a big company’. Which challenges does change hold, […]
The internet is full of helpful articles on how not to botch an interview as a candidate. But what nobody seems to be talking about is how you can lose a great candidate due to a terrible interview. If the interview isn’t done right, the young talent can be left feeling uncomfortable and frustrated. This can lead to him/her rejecting an offer and signing a contract with a competitor.
Companies worldwide are hard-pressed to find, hire and retain talented employees. The talent shortage puts talent in the driver’s seat: if they don’t like you as an employer, they can just go elsewhere. So how do you deal with this talent shortage and what can you do to become more attractive as an employer? Here are five effective ways to adapt and future-proof your hiring strategy.
At the mic for this episode of our podcast Exellys Talks is Lenny Sluyts (28). Lenny started at Exellys in 2020, first as a recruiter and now as a full-time account manager. He’s still got a heart for recruitment though, which is why we’ve invited him to talk about the topic “applying for jobs”. What do you need to do to get noticed by recruiters? What are some do’s and don’ts during the interview? And what comes next? Let’s find out.
Exellysts Sien Van Broekhoven and Cedric Plouvier got to tackle a really cool sustainability project at their client, HPE. “We learned a lot from this project, and it was great that we got so much responsibility and autonomy,” Sien says. “Afterwards, we got to present our results to HPE Worldwide. Great for our visibility,” Cedric adds.
It’s natural to have some nervous jitters when starting a new job, especially if it’s your first one. You might find the reality of working doesn’t align with your expectations, and there are always things you weren’t prepared for. In this blog, we give you 10 concrete tips on how to make your first job a success.
In all Exellys countries, and especially in Belgium and the Netherlands, we continue to face a talent shortage. Finding and retaining talent is hard, and yet there are still a lot of companies who approach recruitment from a position of abundance. In this podcast we’d like to share with you our insights, that come from our years of expertise in attracting, developing and retaining talent. We will share with you 3 things we believe companies should be doing today to be relevant tomorrow, and we’ll give you a few concrete tips so you can improve your hiring strategy right away.
In today’s world where data is king, cloud computing is the undisputed reigning queen. It provides access to your company’s data from anywhere on any smart device connected to the internet.
Thomas Tielens is a communication scientist turned software developer. After Covid disrupted his career – which he wasn’t too bothered about to be honest – he decided to go in a different direction. He took a specialised course in .NET and joined Exellys in the summer of 2022. “When I saw all the promises Exellys made on their website, I was critical. But as it turns out, they really do all that stuff!” Read all about how happy Thomas is in his job now. “I really feel I found my place,” he says.
Just like every year we had another great edition of Meeting of the Minds. Organized by our very own consultants. During this event, there were a lot of interesting talks, panel discussion and some great opportunities to network. This years panel discussion was all about “how to form high performing teams in a hybrid environment”. We invited Jeff Van Calster(Projectivegroup), Sandrine Murrath(Belfius), Mohamed Ahmed Shallo(Swift) and Marc Gielis(Illumina) to come and talk about this subject. Here are some key takeaways from the panel discussion.
One of the things that makes Exellys unique, is our emphasis on coaching. But what exactly do we mean by ‘coaching’? What’s the difference between an Exellys coach and other people who claim the title? And most importantly, what can a coach do for your career?
Key takeaways of an inspirational session by Pieter Van Leugenhagen We recently hosted an inspirational session about the Metaverse for our alumni. In this article, […]
If you’re a student, January and June usually mean one thing; exam time! If you’re feeling stressed, here are some tips for last-minute efficiency and a care free summer. Because you don’t want to add August to that first list.
The Great Resignation, the Big Quit, the Workers Revolution and many more terms have been coined to describe the current workplace transition. Employees are recalibrating what they expect from their employers. It’s no surprise that recruiting and retaining people is one of the most difficult challenges companies are facing. The competition for talent intensifies. So if you want to kick your HR goals in 2023, you should include these four recruitment and retention tactics in your strategy.
What you need today to attract and retain talent is a hybrid working policy. This isn’t news to you. But did you know that, in order to be competitive, you need to offer more than the mere opportunity to work from home? Say hello to the age of the hub!
People nowadays tend to switch roles a lot more frequently than previous generations ever did. Millennials and Gen Z’ers will have on average twelve different jobs throughout their lives. Internal moves are also increasingly common. But those transitions aren’t easy, even if you move to a new role within the same company. A Gartner survey indicates that 49% of people promoted within their own companies are underperforming up to 18 months after the change. That’s surprising, isn’t it? After all, these people know the company, they have the right skills and experience and they’ve been vetted for cultural fit. So why are they performing so poorly?
About six years ago, a global player in the financial services industry reached out to ProjectiveGroup for the roll-out of a Pilot around an innovative service in the correspondent banking landscape. After the successful launch in 2016, this initiative rapidly became the new standard in cross-border payments ensuring that international payments met the industry’s needs for speed, traceability and transparency.
We’ve all heard that satisfied employees are more productive, more creative, and more connected to the organisation. But what if we flip that logic? We believe increasing connectivity in the workplace leads to happier, healthier and more productive employees.
At Exellys, we put great emphasis on feedback. Learning how to give and receive feedback in a constructive way is essential to personal and professional growth. We also take great pride in our events: they’re generally awesome. But we want to practice what we preach, so we always ask for feedback after each event. It turns out our ‘traditional’ Meetings of the Minds weren’t resonating with our consultants anymore, at least not as well as they used to. There was an overload of information, which proved counterproductive. So we took the feedback to heart, put our heads together, and came up with a new concept: our first Mindshift Festival.
Let us introduce to you, Viktor Van Beersel. A 25-year-old BI Consultant who calls himself a true social animal and values contact with other people more than anything else. That’s why he felt a spontaneous spark with both Exellys and Biztory, where clients and colleagues don’t bite but and are just an easy conversation partner.
A coach helps you to figure out what you need to be happy at work, and also makes you better at your job, which in turn may result in a pay raise!
A few weeks ago, we invited 4 top leading ladies to have a round table session with some of our female Exellysts. They took the time to share their experiences and stories on leadership, career progress and gender equality. Based on the insights of these power women, here are some tips and tricks to handle yourself as a woman as you pursue your career in tech.
Projective acquires the majority of the shares of Exellys. Raf Seymus, current CEO and founder of Exellys, joins the board of Projective and becomes managing partner of Stellar Labs. Together, the group has more than 300 consultants and a turnover of more than 45 million euros.
For the first time in history, four generations can be found around the meeting table. Each with their own style and preferences, their collaboration poses an entirely new challenge to employers that want to on-board and integrate tech talent. The stakes are high; miscommunication and frustration can lead to lower productivity and even conflict. But for managers who succeed, the rewards are great. This is how you bridge the generation gap in your workplace.
“We’re 9 months along and our first impression has been fully confirmed. The consultants at Glickman are a perfect fit.”
Every week we publish another blogpost. But what of instead of telling, we showed you what we’re all about? We browsed through our YouTube channel and selected 7 video’s that give you a quick impression of the life of an Exellyst.
A while ago, Functional Analyst Jolien Jackers took the time to write a blogpost on the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy or REBT in short. How do people create their own stress and how do I start thinking more productively? Find out right here!
That was it, Game of Thrones is over. After 71 episodes it turns out, Game of Throne’s biggest ‘gotcha’ was that between all the violence, nudity and dragons, the show actually offered some important career advice too. So, here are 9 career lessons that this legendary show taught us. Just be careful, because spoilers are coming…
Last night we attended the 20th edition of the Datanews Awards and became IT Sourcing Company of the Year. This award wants to honor companies who successfully succeed in helping others to find, attract and retain the right people for the job.
For nine years, Stack Overflow has fielded an annual global survey asking tens of thousands developers about their opinions on a wide variety of topics, from which programming language they prefer to how optimistic they are about the future. Following the recent publication of the Developer survey results 2019 we picked out some of the highlights.
A while ago, our Founder & CEO Raf Seymus hopped on a plane to Spain to attend the Singularity University Summit in Madrid, a two-day conference that helps leaders understand how to apply exponential technologies to create positive change and economic growth.
Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era of exponential change, rapid disruption and regulatory challenges on a scale never seen before. But Raf Seymus, Founder & CEO of Exellys, believes that the future for businesses is extremely bright: “While many jobs will be automated out of existence, many more new jobs will be created,” he predicts.
Acronyms such as IoT, AI, and ML can make it easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges presented by Industry 4.0 (i4.0). But according to Veerle Lozie, VP of Operations and IT at Melexis, there’s no need to worry. “The opportunities will be huge for everyone”.
For me Industry 4.0 is about hacking. We can alter genes and create super humans, we can produce new molecules in order to make new materials and we can even squeeze time. It’s no longer science-fiction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here and, according to Jurgen Ingels, Serial Entrepreneur & Investor, this is how we should tackle it.
The technologies driving Industry 4.0 have already started to change the way we live, work and interact with each other. Robotics, infotech, biotech, and nanotech are fundamentally reshaping the way that we live. According to Philippe De Backer, Minister of Digital Agenda, the fact that Industry 4.0 will be driven by technology means that up to two-thirds of people will have to be retrained and reshaped in the next ten to fifteen years.
From autonomous vehicles to digital assistants and self-healing materials, the lines between the biological, physical and digital spheres are being blurred before our eyes. Change is happening at an exponential speed and the emergence of cyber-physical systems shows us that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway. Yet according to Erwin Verstraelen, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer at the Port of Antwerp, many people are unprepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
In five years, over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, genetic editing and more are no longer science fiction but near future. Companies need to embrace this technological and digital (r)evolution and talent needs to be prepared today in order to tackle the innovations of tomorrow.
In an ideal world, everyone would have a clear calling and settle into a life-long, fulfilling career doing what they love. Unfortunately, things don’t work out that way and many people find themselves unsure of which occupation to choose, or which direction their career should take them. Whether you’re just starting out, or are trying to decide your next move, this step-by-step guide might help…
“A good understanding of our organisations’ needs and the ability to match talent profiles, characterized by an open and flexible partnership.”
“At the very moment, meeting Exellys was a real gift as they helped us to find the rare tech talent we were looking for.”
“Attracting tech talent via Exellys guarantees that both candidates and our company can really get to know each other.”