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When it comes to the talent shortage, we’re not out of the woods yet. In the fast-evolving landscape of the business world, the traditional approach to recruitment should give way to a more flexible and forward-thinking mindset. Stop looking for that “five-legged sheep”, that one perfect candidate that checks all the boxes. Instead, focus on perspective over perfection and see how this approach can lead to a more engaged, committed and motivated workforce.
1/3 of new starters changes employers in the first year… If you’re an employer, and these stats don’t worry you, you’re obviously doing something right. Congrats! But for the rest of us mere mortals, the rewards of improving workforce retention should be obvious. If your turnover is less than ideal and you’re interested in doing something about it, keep reading.
With the imbalance between supply and demand of talent, the generational shift and worldwide societal changes, it has never been more difficult to keep employees engaged and motivated. Though we want to stress the importance of establishing a personal relationship with your staff and really getting to know them, there’s also a case to be made for using data analytics to improve talent retention. In this blog, we’ll zoom in on how to use data to keep your talent on board.
When it comes to technical jobs today, the demand far outweighs the supply. Graduates and talent with technical skills have their jobs for the taking. So how can you get their attention in a sea of similar job descriptions? How can you make your organisation stand out? And how can you inspire talented people to apply for the position you’re offering? Here are 10 tips on writing an effective and captivating job description that will attract top candidates!
The internet is full of helpful articles on how not to botch an interview as a candidate. But what nobody seems to be talking about is how you can lose a great candidate due to a terrible interview. If the interview isn’t done right, the young talent can be left feeling uncomfortable and frustrated. This can lead to him/her rejecting an offer and signing a contract with a competitor.
Companies worldwide are hard-pressed to find, hire and retain talented employees. The talent shortage puts talent in the driver’s seat: if they don’t like you as an employer, they can just go elsewhere. So how do you deal with this talent shortage and what can you do to become more attractive as an employer? Here are five effective ways to adapt and future-proof your hiring strategy.
If you’re not doing it already, it’s high time you make learning and development a focus of your company culture. Sure, it’s a bit of an investment, but it comes with great benefits: it helps you attract and retain top talent, boosts productivity and profitability, and helps you prepare your company for the future. Investing in your employees’ development not only makes them better equipped for their current roles, it also makes them good candidates for promotion so they can progress in their career path.
In all Exellys countries, and especially in Belgium and the Netherlands, we continue to face a talent shortage. Finding and retaining talent is hard, and yet there are still a lot of companies who approach recruitment from a position of abundance. In this podcast we’d like to share with you our insights, that come from our years of expertise in attracting, developing and retaining talent. We will share with you 3 things we believe companies should be doing today to be relevant tomorrow, and we’ll give you a few concrete tips so you can improve your hiring strategy right away.
In today’s world where data is king, cloud computing is the undisputed reigning queen. It provides access to your company’s data from anywhere on any smart device connected to the internet.
If you don’t yet offer internships, make it a New Year’s resolution for 2023! If you do have an internship programme, make sure you’re taking full advantage of all its opportunities. In this article, we share 7 reasons why a good internship programme can contribute to the success of your organisation. We also give a few tips on how you can make your interns happy – and ensure your own success.
We’re thrilled to announce that Exellys has yet again been nominated for a Trends Gazellen award in the category ‘large companies’.
You already know there’s a talent shortage, why should you read another article about the war for talent? Because at Exellys, we’re not talking about a war for talent anymore. We’re talking about a war for people. And we will tell you how to be victorious. To arms!
Many of our clients invest heavily in Risk & Compliance. There’s pressure on financial institutions to be compliant with strict laws and regulations, which are constantly evolving. Keeping up is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s hard work and costs a lot of time and energy – resources you don’t always have in-house. While it might be tempting to just ask for support from an external consultant (which we’re happy to do, by the way), we want to make a case for a more sustainable and shared solution.
The Great Resignation, the Big Quit, the Workers Revolution and many more terms have been coined to describe the current workplace transition. Employees are recalibrating what they expect from their employers. It’s no surprise that recruiting and retaining people is one of the most difficult challenges companies are facing. The competition for talent intensifies. So if you want to kick your HR goals in 2023, you should include these four recruitment and retention tactics in your strategy.
The times they are a-changin’, sang Bob Dylan. You better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone. It was true nearly 60 years ago, and it’s true today. With the rise of every new generation comes a shift in world views, and the things young people find important in a job change too.
What you need today to attract and retain talent is a hybrid working policy. This isn’t news to you. But did you know that, in order to be competitive, you need to offer more than the mere opportunity to work from home? Say hello to the age of the hub!
About six years ago, a global player in the financial services industry reached out to ProjectiveGroup for the roll-out of a Pilot around an innovative service in the correspondent banking landscape. After the successful launch in 2016, this initiative rapidly became the new standard in cross-border payments ensuring that international payments met the industry’s needs for speed, traceability and transparency.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, companies need a new vision for the organisation of work. Remote working offers an opportunity to increase employee engagement, productivity, well-being and retention in one fell swoop. How? By organising work around the motivation of workers.
From our personal experience with coaching over 300 young and promising talents, there are five common problems in organizations that make young professionals think about quitting.
Remember, you don’t need all five to lose your top talent — one can be enough.
With only a limited number of yearly graduates with a tech related background, it’s safe to say that tech talent isn’t growing on trees. But why exactly is it so hard to find talent and how can we tackle this?
We’re thrilled to announce that Exellys has yet again been nominated for a Trends Gazellen award in the category ‘large companies’.
Exellys has been working together with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) since 2018. Exellysts are active in various teams within HPE, from Networking to Hybrid Cloud. HPE’s open culture really appeals to our consultants and matches well with the values of Exellys. We had a chat with HPE’s Account Services Lead Frederic De Schepper about why Exellys and HPE make such great partners.
Belfius Insurance and Exellys enjoy a pleasant and mutually beneficial partnership, with loads of Exellysts joining Belfius and integrating on their payroll after their two-year mission is completed. We had a talk with CIO Gert Vanhaecht and asked him what his experience working with Exellys and its consultants is like.
Exellys, a Belgian based Tech Talent Incubator, recently launched its Dutch branch. With over 120 IT consultants working at +40 companies in a variety of industries and an internal team of tech talent scouts, talent development managers, (digital) marketeers and account managers, the company has already shown an impressive growth curve since its establishment in 2014.
The corona pandemic has forced every organization to rethink the way they work. Almost overnight, homeworking has become the new standard. But what does it mean for your talent management strategy? And how can you successfully implement it for remote teams?
In the competitive business world of today, where organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their teams, we need something that can reconcile the high-demanding expectations towards productivity and results in the mental and physical health of employees. Enter energy management.
Belgian companies need help to focus on digitalization. So it’s time to come up with a pragmatic action plan, packed with concrete initiatives to facilitate digital transformation. The kick-off of this initiative was given on the 15th of September, when some of Belgium’s most important digital leaders (full list at the end of the article) got together for an inspiring roundtable discussion.
We’ve all heard that satisfied employees are more productive, more creative, and more connected to the organisation. But what if we flip that logic? We believe increasing connectivity in the workplace leads to happier, healthier and more productive employees.
Cultivating a thriving learning culture is a delicate balance between formal training and supportive coaching: and employees are what make an enterprise flourish.
With this in mind, talent development may seem pretty easy: training sessions and that’s it, right? Wrong. Here’s how you introduce a talent development strategy in your organization.
Many organizations expect senior leaders and middle managers just like you to take up these coaching roles. But you have the feeling that you’re not as effective at it as you could be. Here are some of the reasons why…
As a CEO, team lead or hiring manager, talent development should be one of the cornerstones of your working philosophy. But what is the tangible return on investment of talent development, really? And why does it seem to be so tricky to get it right?
Even if you don’t see them immediately, there are several valid reasons why it’s often better to promote from within, instead of relying on external hires. We listed five reasons why you should give your employees a chance and stop them from looking elsewhere.
The ability to think exponentially is one of the most important skills for those looking to succeed in today’s tough economic climate. We need to challenge ourselves to shift our mindsets to ‘see ahead of curve’ in order to make the right decisions for future success.
Projective acquires the majority of the shares of Exellys. Raf Seymus, current CEO and founder of Exellys, joins the board of Projective and becomes managing partner of Stellar Labs. Together, the group has more than 300 consultants and a turnover of more than 45 million euros.
It’s a wrap! After a spending a couple of days in Portugal for Web Summit 2019, this is what several of our board members, key clients and trusted partners will remember…
Last week Unizo selected Exellys as Antwerp’s most promising SME of the year. We’re very happy with this recognition and extremely proud of the entire Exellys team but we’re not stopping there…
Digitalization is forcing companies to innovate rapidly. Tech trends are forcing organisations to become leaner and more efficient while at the same time having to expand their IT & Engineering teams. How do you find the most suitable employees from the available talent pool? Here are three rules for scaling your team for greatness.
As a manager, you know first-hand how crucial, yet difficult, it is to foster and promote great teamwork among a group of professionals. Teamwork doesn’t just happen by accident; it needs to be nurtured and crafted over time. But no team members are perfect in every way, they each have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. So how can you, as a manager, lead your team to greatness?
For the first time in history, four generations can be found around the meeting table. Each with their own style and preferences, their collaboration poses an entirely new challenge to employers that want to on-board and integrate tech talent. The stakes are high; miscommunication and frustration can lead to lower productivity and even conflict. But for managers who succeed, the rewards are great. This is how you bridge the generation gap in your workplace.
A few weeks ago, Exellys and CIOnet joined forces and organized a ‘Women in Tech’ event. 4 business savvy women shared their stories on the battles and triumphs they encountered during their way to the C-suite. Based on their insights and stories, we’ve captured some lessons learned for the tech industry.
Given the scale and scope of current changes, how can future leaders thrive and prosper in the coming years? That was the question that futurist Keith Coats recently answered for us. When talking about some of the crucial skills for future fit digital leaders, he introduced us to the concept of ‘Horizon Scanning’ and explained how to master this skill through a framework called the TIDES model.
“We’re 9 months along and our first impression has been fully confirmed. The consultants at Glickman are a perfect fit.”
Last night we attended the 20th edition of the Datanews Awards and became IT Sourcing Company of the Year. This award wants to honor companies who successfully succeed in helping others to find, attract and retain the right people for the job.
Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era of exponential change, rapid disruption and regulatory challenges on a scale never seen before. But Raf Seymus, Founder & CEO of Exellys, believes that the future for businesses is extremely bright: “While many jobs will be automated out of existence, many more new jobs will be created,” he predicts.
Acronyms such as IoT, AI, and ML can make it easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges presented by Industry 4.0 (i4.0). But according to Veerle Lozie, VP of Operations and IT at Melexis, there’s no need to worry. “The opportunities will be huge for everyone”.
For me Industry 4.0 is about hacking. We can alter genes and create super humans, we can produce new molecules in order to make new materials and we can even squeeze time. It’s no longer science-fiction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here and, according to Jurgen Ingels, Serial Entrepreneur & Investor, this is how we should tackle it.
The technologies driving Industry 4.0 have already started to change the way we live, work and interact with each other. Robotics, infotech, biotech, and nanotech are fundamentally reshaping the way that we live. According to Philippe De Backer, Minister of Digital Agenda, the fact that Industry 4.0 will be driven by technology means that up to two-thirds of people will have to be retrained and reshaped in the next ten to fifteen years.
From autonomous vehicles to digital assistants and self-healing materials, the lines between the biological, physical and digital spheres are being blurred before our eyes. Change is happening at an exponential speed and the emergence of cyber-physical systems shows us that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway. Yet according to Erwin Verstraelen, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer at the Port of Antwerp, many people are unprepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
In five years, over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, genetic editing and more are no longer science fiction but near future. Companies need to embrace this technological and digital (r)evolution and talent needs to be prepared today in order to tackle the innovations of tomorrow.
We’re very excited to share that Exellys has been nominated for Trends Gazellen 2021 in the category large companies.
Being honest and sharing information should always be at the top of your agenda. The world is becoming increasingly closer-knit and the largest companies are emphasizing openness. Whether or not these tech giants are doing a good job at making transparency a priority, your company definitely should. Here are five reasons why.
It’s 2019. Take a look around you. Far from being the stuff of science fiction, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already become an indispensable part of your daily life. But are robots coming for our jobs?
“We especially appreciate the matchmaking between candidates and our organisation, the time gains throughout the process and the continued training and coaching efforts.”
An impressive office, a buzzing crowd and four captivating panel members eager to share their story and love for Exellys on a Thursday night. That is all it took to introduce the new Exellys office in Mechelen. See you soon?
“Thanks to Exellys, young graduates benefit from a smooth transition from academic to professional life in an enriching and well-structured way; the surrounding frame ensures a happy landing in our organisation.”
“A good understanding of our organisations’ needs and the ability to match talent profiles, characterized by an open and flexible partnership.”
“Exellys has an excellent feel for our way of working and knows our DNA well; they always keep this in mind when matching talent with The Glue.”
“At the very moment, meeting Exellys was a real gift as they helped us to find the rare tech talent we were looking for.”
“Attracting tech talent via Exellys guarantees that both candidates and our company can really get to know each other.”
Self-driving cars, drone deliveries, smart buildings, and Elon Musk’s vacuum tubes. The technology is there and the world is ready. But how does this ‘digital is the new normal’ mentality impact the banking industry?
Many companies are working hard on rethinking and rebuilding their employer-employee relationship framework. The Alliance, a book by Reid Hoffman, provides insight and a framework for the new model of employment.
In the current business landscape, competition for both customers and employees is fiercer than ever before. Despite this, we see more and more in the media that employees aren’t happy in the workplace.
Exellys attented the Web Summit in Lisbon this November, the Walhalla of all things tech. It was an amazing event and we were blown away (yet again) by how technology and innovation are reinventing the way we live, work and interact with each other.